A press release today from the International Motorcycle Manufacturers Association (IMMA).
IMMA Secretariat International Motorcycle Manufacturers Association (IMMA) Tel: + 41 22 920 21 23
20, Route de Pré-bois, CH-1215 Genève 15 Switzerland
A team of investigators today revealed that systematic methodologies and scrupulous examination of research results have, following multiple previously-inconclusive attempts, decisively identified the preeminent expression of the form first articulated in the 1894 Hildebrand and Wolfmuller.
To wit, the finest motorcycle ever produced is the 1970 Honda QA 50. In Sprout Green.

Decades – indeed, more than a century – of debate are finally put to rest with the release of this exciting finding. A contentious and oft-times surly group, motorcyclists of all persuasions and every continent unexpectedly united behind the investigative results.
Utilizing a triple-blind study design, researchers were able to isolate confounding variables by ensuring that neither subjects, researchers nor motorcycles were apprised of the ongoing research methodologies employed. Consequently, the results obtained are irrefutable. “Quite simply beyond reproach,” explained Herr Doktor Professor Ber Schmidt, head researcher.
Most frequently cited as definitive was the constant variable, “Primacy of Experience.”
Although complex in nature, Primacy of Experience can be reliably expressed on an X-Y axis (Figure 1).
Notable here is the finding that as the onset of motorcycle ownership approaches zero years (x relative), motorcycle quality reaches its zenith (y grins). The ineluctable conclusion is that the first motorcycle one owns is the best motorcycle one will ever own.
Noteworthy, nevertheless, is the subsidiary finding that motorcycles owned in the latter part of a subject’s life showed a tendency to foster elevated experience values as well. At no point were study participants reported to acknowledge that their own motorcycle was inferior in any respect to the motorcycles of other study participants.
There you have it…the Honda QA 50, in Sprout Green: the best motorcycle in the world.
Ain’t science great?
Disclaimer: individual results will vary — unless your first bike was also a QA50.

Nice! My brother Andy had a RUPP about the same time. Not sure what size it was but similar. He’s had a string of motorcycles that continues to this day. The next one was a Honda 250 in about 1972. – bright orange. He was noted for his riding ability out on the trails. Subsequently, I wasn’t allowed to have a motorcycle even though, I would have been next in line. I didn’t get one until i was about 19 – 1982 Kawasaki KZ 440. By the way, if you ever want to enter motorcycle heaven and you happen to hit Southern Ontario, I’ll take you over to my sister’s garage in Guelph. Lots of retored Hondas in there from the early 70’s Cheers and keep up the great stories!
Precisely what the study revealed — the 1982 KZ440: best motorcycle ever made.
Anyone else? Let’s hear your results!
Such a cute picture! Is that Niagara Falls? American side?
No: my stunts were limited to jumping off a plywood ramp propped up on a couple bricks. I mean, I wanted to do the Falls…but it’s just too difficult to afford a decent barrel when you’re 12 years old.